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GIF(t) Artists


Algorithmink                    Angular Geometry                    Bees & Bombs    

Caitlin Burns                   Marlbureau                          Cindy Suen    

Joe Winograd                    Miranda Pfeiffer                    Reuben Thomas

Sam Alexander Mattacott         UNMARU                              Xenoself

Anchor 224


Algorithmink is a visual blog that Jerome Beresford uses to broadcast his own artwork and curate others'. 

Jerome Beresford is a practicing artist and qualified Architect, he has worked in various architectural practices over the last 10 years. As an Associate and new technology champion at his practice he is managing its transition to Building Information Modelling, a new method of virtually constructing buildings during the design stage. He is currently working on projects for London Underground and Crossrail.

Jerome Beresford uses cutting edge computational design methodologies with traditional architectural drafting techniques to create procedural patterns, the detail and texture of which are obscured by various means, in this case animation.

For GIF(t) Jerome will be exhibiting 'Ins20' and 'Ins22'.

Anchor 225
Angular Geometry


Tyler Haywood has created an animated .gif every day since May 1, 2013 through his blog, Angular Geometry. The process began as a means to learn a new craft, but has recently been recognized by pop culture giants, Buzzfeed and Tumblr. He is inspired by early Modern Architecture, the Futurist Movement, J.M.W Turner, and Oskar Fischinger. Tyler earned a bachelor’s degree from Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston and works as a motion graphics artist in Los Angeles, California. Tyler will also be displaying work at the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art in Salt Lake City.

"Digital art consists of individual pixels. Each pixel is aligned and organized to make a larger image. I consider each .gif I create a “pixel” in a larger body of work. Alone, each .gif means little, but when I look back through hundreds of pieces I've created I can see patterns, ideas, and concepts I didn't notice while in the moment of creation. The routine of creating an animated .gif everyday, for nearly two years, has become a part of me. The process has unlocked and reflected aspects deep within myself nothing else could have."

For GIF(t) Tyler will be exhibiting 'Morphogenesis' and 'Triple Crown'.

Anchor 226
Bees & Bombs


"Published physicist... David Whyte uses cosines and exponentials the way Toulouse-Lautrec used oil paints. Whyte is a Ph.D. candidate at Trinity College in Dublin and has co-authored papers on esoteric topics like a Z-cone model for the energy of an ordered foam, and is also a prolific artist whose medium of choice is the animated gif."


- Joseph Flaherty,

“My main artistic influences are the other good people on Tumblr doing the same thing I am making abstract little animations just for the fun of it.”

Anchor 227
Caitlin Burns


Caitlin Burns is a Canadian artist and art director residing in Sarasota, FL, USA. Check out for recent work.

"My work is about the whimsy of technology and international relations. I use girlish, excited saturation to celebrate surveillance and weaponry."

For GIF(t) Caitlin will be exhibiting 'Wink' and 'Sniff'.

Anchor 228


Chris Constandinou is an IRL user from Montreal, Canada. He majored in English Literature where he learned computer programming using tutorials posted online by James Joyce, Gertrude Stein, T.S. Eliot, William Carlos Williams, and others. He (Chris) works as a web developer, writing code for people and words for machines.

"A lot of my work is accidental. Both of these GIFs came from the same unsuccessful project. While working, I would momentarily stop to explore or to break the 3D landscape in order to generate results more interesting than the failing intended, initial project. I was, and am in general, interested in iterations and in reiterations on systems or structures."

For GIF(t) Tyler will be exhibiting '' and '66c06c11d179e39c42e5e800f99b57865822cf68'.

Anchor 229
Cindy Suen


Cindy Suen is an illustrator, animator, GIF artist from Hong Kong. Clients she has worked with include NBC Voice, Subway, Nickelodeon, FOX ADHD, Hallmark eCards, Tumblr, Skippy Peanut Butter, Universal Ouija Movie, and more.

"Hi there! My name is Cindy Suen. I draw lots of cats and pizza gif content for the internet, but I draw other things too. I’m everywhere over the internet, but you can catch me blogging lots of GIFs, most often on Tumblr."

For GIF(t) Cindy will be exhibiting 'Donut Cat' and 'Toast Cat Runner'.

Anchor 230
Joe Winograd


Joe Winograd was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. He received his BFA in Printmaking and Drawing in 2013 from the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis, winning the Peter Marcus Prize for Printmaking that year. He participated in an arts residency at the Burren College of Art in Ireland in 2011, and has been featured by Vice Magazine and Tumblr’s 2013 Year in Review. Winograd currently works in New York, New York.

"With a background as a printmaker and video artist, my multimedia installations and digital art blend traditional drawing and patternmaking techniques with new technologies in a uniquely hybrid “cyberdelic” style. Utilizing systems of random chance and minimalist software manipulations, my ongoing series of digital collages, animations and lenticular prints literally merges the real with the digital, bringing the GIF format to a physical conclusion."

For GIF(t) Joe will be exhibiting 'Ubiquity' and 'Stepping Into Tomorrow'.

Anchor 231
Miranda Pfeiffer


Miranda is an artist and animator, currently living in Los Angeles. 

"I'm interested in quiet art with a big presence. When juxtaposed with my other gifs or additional images on any website where the gifs appear, the total sequence is a loose unstructured narrative. Unlike movies which require long periods of physical immobility, the gif is something you can scroll by, almost without even noticing it. A gif demands only as much attention as a viewer has to give it. In long-form, a maker has many opportunities to impress the viewer. To make something short, yet lasting,

even meaningful, is a great challenge for any artist."

For GIF(t) Miranda will be exhibiting 'Bricks' and 'Wood'.

Anchor 232
Reuben Thomas


Reuben Thomas is a student of Music Technology at Huddersfield University. Having spent the first year of his course working with nothing but sound, he started producing images and animations as a way of postponing more important work. A dedicated enthusiast of cyan and black, he occasionally enjoys producing work that also incorporates other colours, and has built up a small cohort of similarly monochromatically-minded followers on his blog at

"In my work I play with simple ideas, taken to extremes - using basic shapes to build up far more complex patterns. Most of my work is produced in the GIF format, which encourages short looping animations. I like to include endless, infinite series in my images, as a way of countering the constrained, finite nature of the format. I am intrigued by precision and order, which leads me to create all of my work solely by programming. The use of code allows me to produce very exact images, with far more detail than would be possible by hand."


For GIF(t) Reuben will be exhibiting 'source 0' and 'source 1'.


Anchor 233
Sam Alexander Mattacott


Sam Alexander Mattacott is a digital artist living and working in London. Using professional VFX software, he renders works in a wide range of visual styles. His works explore unnatural forms that are born from primitive geometric shapes. Wrapping these experiments up as seamlessly looping gifs, the extremities of his practice are crystallised into discrete virtual objects.

"I like to work with techniques that are hard to predict. The software I use is designed to produce reliable and consistent results, so I look to find situations where it doesn’t. With a medium that is so malleable, I think it’s important to push it to a point where you can’t guarantee the outcome."

For GIF(t) Sam will be exhibiting 'fg-tr-01'.


Anchor 234


UNMARU is a new media artist from Seoul who experiments in image data corruption. Her body of work is a formalist and traditionalist examination of colour, form, and composition using digital processes. The juxtaposition of revered artistic principles with hyper-contemporary techniques is purposeful and reveals our deep-seated habits and beliefs that are confronted by the digital age. The constant flux of form and shape mimics internet cultural memetics and the cyclical nature of the world itself. 

"IRL attempts to address how in an ever-changing world, art must also reflect dynamism. IRL is a post-modern still life, having all of the base physical components, yet shows movement, dimension and is revealing of the artificiality of the genre as a whole.

"BLUR is juxtaposition of clashing digital processes. An original photograph was digitally blurred into complete abstraction. The resulting image was then processed several times by resizing and adding dither, pixel-based gradients. The image was then incorrectly reformatted several times using different encodings. The resulting movement is harsh and dizzying despite its playful palette."

For GIF(t) Unmaru will be exhibiting 'IRL' and 'BLUR'.

Anchor 235


Xenoself is Kansas City based artist Eric Scrivner’s online pseudonym. Scrivner graduated from the Kansas City Art Institute in 2013 with a BFA in Painting. Since graduating, Eric has been focusing on animations that work to capture the emergent and the contemporary.

"This body of work is a segment of the Cyclical Ritual series, which focuses on meditation,stagnation, and rotation. The smaller body of work emphasizes the Sisyphean condition and generational mutation."

For GIF(t) Xenoself will be exhibiting 'Perpetual Treadmill' and 'After Muybridge'.

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